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Tips for Eating After Your Wisdom Teeth Removal in Lakeway

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Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth extracted. It may be the case that yours are healthy, have fully erupted, and are positioned correctly. That being said, each year, 5 million Americans undergo wisdom teeth removal. Because they don’t typically grow in until your later teen years, it might be the case that the rest of your teeth have already filled in the available space. By not getting your wisdom teeth extracted, it puts those other teeth at risk.

Have you been recommended to get your wisdom teeth taken out? One thing that you will definitely have to consider is what you are going to eat after surgery. You may not be able to stick to your standard diet. At least, that is, if you want your recovery to go as smoothly as possible. Let’s walk through what you can expect following your upcoming wisdom teeth removal in Lakeway, Texas and nearby areas.

Common Complications of Wisdom Teeth Removal

When you get a tooth extracted by a dental professional, they will ensure that the procedure goes as smoothly as possible. They will perform the surgery in a sterile environment and use the most high-tech equipment. However, when you go home, you are expected to take care of yourself. The road to recovery isn’t a long one, but it will still be uncomfortable. Following your wisdom teeth removal, you may face the following problems.

Dry Socket

One thing that you will be told following your wisdom teeth removal in Lakeway is to refrain from using a straw. The suction will increase the risk of dry socket. Dry socket is a condition when, after a tooth extraction, a blood clot doesn’t form. Otherwise, it may be that the clot was dislodged. You need that clot in order to keep your bone and nerves unexposed to the oral environment. It can be very uncomfortable around the extraction site, as well as in your jaws. When you are consuming liquids, you want to be sure that you tilt the bottle itself or use a spoon. Soft foods like eggs and yogurt are also a smart choice since hard and chewy foods may put you at greater risk of dry socket.

Pain and Swelling

Expect there to be some discomfort once the anesthesia has fully worn off. Your oral surgeon should have provided you with medication to help you rest more easily. As the days go on, know that you will feel better. Some people are going to experience more pain than others. If that’s you, make sure to touch base with your oral surgeon. Another thing to note is that some people swell more than others. This will become apparent around the day two or day three mark. Swelling is completely normal. It’s your body’s reaction to surgery. Continue to take your pain relievers, use warm and cold compresses, and rinse your mouth out with salt water to minimize swelling. Once again, you will be back to your old self before you know it—just without the wisdom teeth!

Jaw Stiffness

You may not be able to fully open your mouth right after your wisdom teeth removal in Lakeway. When you have your lower wisdom teeth removed, your jaw muscles could contract. This is called trismus. Both your ability to eat and your speech can be affected by trismus. It’s another case in which you will just have to give it some time. The muscles will repair themselves as you go through the healing process. Beyond your medication, you can help with this yourself by using a heating pad or hot water bottle covered by a thin towel. Most commonly, jaw stiffness after surgery lasts for a few days. But if it takes much longer, let your oral surgeon know.

First Day After Surgery

Before you have your wisdom teeth removed in Lakeway, make sure that your pantry and fridge are stocked up. Know that you aren’t going to be able to eat a lot of the foods that you love. It will be something to look forward to once you have healed. Although you likely won’t be hungry right when you get home after surgery, you need to make sure that you get something in your system later in the day.

Stick to liquids on day one. You shouldn’t attempt to chew anything just yet. Juice (either made of fruit, vegetables, or both) and vitamin-rich broth are great options. You should also make sure that you are staying hydrated with water. Foods and drinks on the colder side are going to be your best bet. While you don’t want anything too cold, this will ease your pain by soothing the incision.

Moving on to Soft Foods

24 hours after your surgery, you are encouraged to eat more substantive foods. Still keep away from anything that you will have to chew. Your mouth isn’t ready for that just yet! Following wisdom teeth removal in Lakeway, on top of your jaw potentially being stiff, your gums will be sensitive. Plus, you don’t want to get crumbs of food stuck in your wounds. For that reason, you should have gotten plenty of foods that don’t have to heat up or do anything more than swallow.

Have a mix of sweet and savory options when you reintroduce solids. Sweet could consist of Jell-O and pudding, while savory can be any soups without chunks. Blended vegetable soups are good for keeping you hydrated, as well as giving you those minerals that you are otherwise missing out on. You can reach daily nutrition recommendations this way. In the next few days, bump your diet up to soft scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes.

One Week Post-Op

A week into your wisdom teeth removal recovery, your jaw will start feeling much better. You should be able to open your mouth wider, and your gums will have healed considerably. This means that you will be able to start further expanding your diet. Now, you should still be careful with what you are eating so that you don’t cause yourself more pain. It can take up to two weeks to recover. But, at this point, you no longer have to fully avoid any food that requires chewing.

Continue to be mindful of the fact that you should avoid overly hot and cold items until about a week has passed. You won’t be as sensitive or swollen, which will make eating non-lukewarm foods more comfortable. Keep to a mostly-soft diet, but slowly adopt crunchy foods back in. Your jaw needs that stimulation.

Keep Your Mouth Clean!

Even though you are able to start eating solid foods again, please note that it takes around six weeks for wisdom teeth sockets to close. It will then take several months for those sockets to fill with bone. This means that you need to be proactive in your cleaning. The best way to go about this isn’t with a sharp object, your fingers, or even your tongue. If you have stitches or blood clotting, this can introduce bacteria.

After the first 24 hours, use a syringe full of warm water to clean out your holes. We may recommend a saltwater rinse. Just don’t swish the water too vigorously or spit it out. Instead, you can tilt your head over the sink and let the water fall from your mouth. Ensure that there are no food particles left behind that will get lodged in the open spaces. And make sure to use a recommended germicidal mouthwash to prevent bacteria.


Heart of Texas Oral Surgery offers wisdom teeth removal in Lakeway and Bastrop. Dr. Alford will be able to provide you with the best extraction method for your needs. With several years under his belt, he has become a highly-ranked oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Contact our team to receive more information on your recommended extraction. Through the skills of Dr. Alford, we are dedicated to providing you with the utmost care and comfort through the wisdom teeth removal process.